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Saturday, April 4, 2009

If I told you, I would have to kill you.

Ok, of course I am joking about that...but I am starting a new blog and leaving my Hollywood blog in Hollywood.

If you want to keep reading....follow me here:

Bye Bye Bye Hollywood

I left Hollywood on Wednesday morning.  It was very bitter sweet.  I will miss it terribly, but my wallet is carrying around way too much debt these days and it's time I caught up.  So, I decided it would be best to move home for a few months and catch up on my expenses.

I had gone on several interviews in California and was even offered two jobs.  The problem isn't finding a job-it's finding one that pays enough and with an unemployment rate of 10.5% it just wasn't realistic for me to stay.

So, I am on my way to Cincinnati.  Driving across this beautiful country with all my belongings in my car and my dog.  I haven't done a whole lot of traveling alone, but there sure is something peaceful and rewarding about it.  Sure, 2200 miles is far...but I am making a nice pit stop in Denver (where I am now).  

I am visiting Laura for a few days and it's great to see her.  Last night we sat down with our dogs and watched Marley and Me.  That is definitely one of my all time favorite movies.  It makes me cry my eyes out!  So good.  Well, I plan on getting back on the road to Cincy by Monday morning at the latest...getting me home hopefully late Tuesday night!  

Bye were fun while you lasted...even though you cost me a fortune.  I don't think I will ever move back to Hollywood.  California however, you may see me again :)     

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tumbledown Article

Tumbledown Show Article

Check out this article to see some quotes for my interview about Mike Herrera's (MxPx) Tumbledown!  I love being a fan of good music :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just a few things....

Wow, I am so behind on my blogging!  I will write a quick update and promise more to come soon.    

My friend Andi (who I visited in Seattle a few weeks ago) was in town the past few days.  She got in Friday and just left this morning.  We had an action packed long weekend of sight-seeing, whale watching, shows, going out and eating!  We had some amazing meals and great times...I will post some pictures and tell you more about that soon.  (that's us at Chateau Marmont on Friday).

My bad car luck car got broken into again last night in the parking lot of the bar we were at to see Tumbledown.  I have officially surrendered my car to LA...because clearly, it is cursed.  Luckily this time, whoever broke in was at least nice about it...they only broke the little window on the back door and then unlocked the door for themselves.  So, I only have to replace a little window, a pair of sunglasses and the Mark Jewel perfume that they stole.  I am mad they stole my perfume because people were complimenting me on it all night!!  

Well, that's my quick update for now.  I'm exhausted and will write more soon....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How could I forget?

I completely forgot to mention in my last blog that it seems I will NEVER escape my car problems! I'm not even having "real" car problems yet...just stupid cosmetic ones! It looks like someone hit my car somehow because last night when I left to go the venue I noticed my left blinker was completely shattered. The bulb is still in tact, and works as far as I know...but seriously? Now I have to replace that too? ugh.

I guess I had so much fun last night that I momentarily forgot that I have the worst car karma known to mankind. grrrr.

A Million Trillion Stars

Last night I went to a CD release party for a band called Boomkat. My friend Kelly, who I met through MxPx does PR for them and invited me to go. The party was at The Plush Lounge which is below a venue called The Key Club on Sunset. They had it all decorated with tons of stars hanging from the ceiling because the name of the album they released is called "A Million Trillion Stars". There were giant jars filled with all kinds of candy on all the tables and they even had a special cocktail that came with candy stars in it. So cute. 

On a side note, for anyone who is a fan of the Girl's Next Door show on E! one of the playmates from that show was there last night. Now I don't know why, but I am so oblivious to celebrities. I don't know if it's because I have met so many in my lifetime and I am just jaded or if I just don't recognize celebrities in public. Holly from that show was standing two feet away from me and I didn't even realize it. Kelly pointed her out to me and I felt dumb. haha. I should know who she is though, because we all know I am a sucker for bad reality TV and I've seen every episode of that show! I guess I just wasn't expecting her to be standing right next to me. I think that's the part I am not used to. I've met too many celebrities to count (mostly musicians from working in radio, but a lot of actors too)...and I am just used to meeting them when I know beforehand that I will see them, not just running into them in a bar. When Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson would be at a bar in Cincy, everyone knew where they were. Here, unless it's someone super famous and there are paparazzi, I have no way of knowing! In case you have no idea who I am talking about, here is a picture of her:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Live for the Moment

Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time—a rotting apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared with your face in a photo taken 30 years ago—yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment.
-Eckhart Tolle