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Sunday, March 8, 2009

A little of this, a little of that.

I haven't blogged in a while, because well, I don't have much to say!  I am sure this blog will end up being super long regardless of the fact that I think I have nothing to say.  Today was a pretty day.  I took a walk down to Sunset to go to Starbucks.  It's a mile, so not a bad walk.  I always feel weird when I take a walk without Bella.  I am definitely more observant when she isn't with me, but it just feels like a part of me is missing when I take a long walk without bringing her!  

Last Sunday Nikki and I went down to San Diego for the day.  We met up with her friend Ryan, and had some lunch and watched the sunset on the beach.  I think watching the sunset over water is pretty much my favorite thing to do.  I wish I could do it every night.  Maybe someday...

My car got towed last Sunday.  I went to see a friend of a friend's band play in Hollywood and apparently meters are reserved for clubs to valet cars in after 6pm in Hollywood.  So, I got a $58 ticket and had to pay for a $243 tow.  Just awesome.  I have had the worst luck with my car since I moved to LA!  It's now been totaled, ticketed, broken into and towed all since Thanksgiving.  Hopefully my bad car karma is over with!

Well, my dad helped me with my taxes tonight and it looks like I will be getting a few hundred back.  I was worried I was going to owe because my Miley World job didn't take out taxes, but it looks like I will be okay!

Alright...time to go to the market and get some dinner!  


At March 10, 2009 at 12:32 PM , Blogger John Allspaw said...

If you found any jobs you like at Yahoo, I can certainly get your resume in the right hands... :)



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