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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Updates

Well, our third (and final) new roommate moved in last week. Her name is April and she's from San Diego. She went to Indiana University for TV we actually have a lot in common. She has a little dog named Wookie, who is starting to get used to Bella. So far, so good. She's really nice and for the first time in a long I don't dread coming home from work to find an unemployed person playing video games in the dark (Josh). It's nice to actually be able to watch some TV at night or use my computer in the family room while eating dinner.

Speaking of my new roommate. She went to get coffee at the little shop in front of our apartment on Monday and was in line behind Ashley Olsen. I was incredibly jealous. The list of celebrities I want to run into in this town is pretty short, but the Olsen twins are definitely on it...someday I WILL see them. It turns out Mary-Kate and Ashley ate at Pace back in January...I guess I wasn't home that night. I think I would have noticed if I had been home because there were paparazzi shots, and it's pretty hard not to notice when paparazzi are right out front of our place.

Well, today is Ash Wednesday and while I have never given anything up for Lent in the past, I decided I really want to this year. Nikki, April and I were talking about things we should live without for the next 40 days and we all came up with a few things to give up. I will be giving up pop and wine. I drink pop at least once a day, if not more, and I have wine a few times a week. So, it will be hard, but not impossible to live without both of those. Nikki is giving up pop and meat, which the meat part might be a little hard for her, but I know she can do it. April is giving up sweets...I don't know her that well yet, but I know she can do it too. Tonight Nikki is bringing home some construction paper and we are going to make a paper chain to hang in the kitchen to count down that days. haha, we are dorks.

Well, the days are getting longer and the weather is getting a little bit warmer here, and everyone is starting to catch spring fever. I wasn't sure spring fever would exist in a town that is known for having good weather, but it does and I am grateful for that. I'm looking forward to many beach days ahead!


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