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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Wow, this month has been going so fast, but it's still only the 18th. There is a reason why February only has 28 days, and I'm ready for it to be over! Even though the weather here in LA doesn't even compare to a Cincinnati February, it's still rainy and chilly and I'm done with it. As you know, I spent the first weekend of February in Seattle. I made a slide show of some of the pictures I took...I am going to put some music to it, then I will post it on here. This past weekend my mom was in town and we had so much fun! It was a jam packed weekend of sight-seeing, and it was fun to be a tourist in LA, since I haven't really gotten to do that yet. On Saturday we went down to Newport and went whale watching. We didn't see a whale, but we saw so many dolphin, it was amazing. Sunday we went to the dog park, then hiking at Runyon Canyon. We worked up an appetite, so we headed to Santa Monica and had a late lunch/early dinner on the pier. We drove down to Venice to watch the sunset and finished up the night walking around Hollywood. Things were a little crazy in Hollywood because they were setting up for the Oscar's, but we did get to see a lot. Monday was a rainy day and so we went to see "He's Just Not That Into You". It was pretty good and has an amazing cast...which is funny because when they first started to cast that movie, they didn't want any big names in it, and it ended up with some amazing "big name" actors. After the movie the rain cleared up and the sun came we drove around and did some "celebrity" homes sight-seeing. You can't see a whole lot since all the houses are hidden and gated. We did see where Lucy and Ricky lived while raising their family and I really liked that. Oh, and we went to see the house that was used for exterior shots on The Brady Bunch, that was fun. I'm sure I am forgetting something that we was a crazy weekend. Oh, we had In N Out Burger, and of course, Pinkberry. That pretty much sums up my sight-seeing weekend. I'm exhausted, but I think I'm becoming a good LA tour guide! Who wants to come visit me next?


At February 24, 2009 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do!


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