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My last night in NoHo

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Friday, September 26, 2008

My last night in NoHo

Well, tonight is my last night staying in North Hollywood.  Rick comes home from Maine tomorrow, so he will be claiming his apartment back!  I will be staying with my friend Steph from Miami for a few days until I move into my new apartment.  I have really enjoyed every second of my NoHo's definitely a chill place to live.  

I took Bella to the "ranch" tonight where she will be staying for the next week.  The people who will be taking care of her live on a farm about an hour and half north (they came down to pick her up and to drop other dogs off).  She will not only be boarded at the ranch, but they are expert separation anxiety trainers, so they are going to help her (and me) with separation anxiety.  They are allowing me to spend the day at the ranch when I pick her up next Saturday for some training sessions.  I am hoping they will be able to help and Bella will stop hiding under beds and behind couches every time someone is leaving's cute and all, but it's gotta stop!  I am going to miss her so much while she's gone...but I have a busy week to keep me distracted...

MxPx is playing at the House of Blues in West Hollywood on Sunday, so it will be so great to not only see them play, but to see some familiar faces!  I have an interview that I am pretty excited (and nervous) about on Wednesday at wish me luck on that!  Then, depending on how things go, I'll be able to move into my apartment on either Wednesday the 1st, or Friday the 3rd...I am so excited to get into my new place!!  Then, MxPx is back in town on Friday, playing at the House of Blues in Anaheim...which I guess is an hour away?  I will make a trip to see that show for sure.   Then, on Saturday I'll get to go to the ranch and get Bella!!  It should be a good week...and a busy one.  I am not sure how much time I will have to update my blog, but I will try my best to keep up with it!  

I can't believe it's almost's hard to keep up with the days because the weather doesn't really change, so as far as I'm concerned, it's still August.  haha.  Well, I am off to go do a lot of laundry and clean!  What a fun Friday night!!  


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