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Friday, November 21, 2008

Hollywood Trend Alert!!!

This is big news you guys! One definite trend I have observed here is in LA is the toilet paper crack cover up. That's right! I consistently see in public bathroom stalls, toilet paper drapped over that deaded crack in the door that someone always looks through no matter how hard they try not to. Simple solution....hang some TP there! Makes perfect sense to me, and it looks great. Keep an eye on this trend...the rest of the world will catch up in a year or two...or ten. Other than that....Russell Crowe is filming outside my building. That's all I've of the bathroom crack cover up coming soon!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm Coming Home....for Christmas! is everyone?  Sorry, I haven't updated this in a while.  I still haven't been able to afford to buy a computer yet, so it's hard to use the internet unless it's for work!  Anyway...a computer is in my future, hopefully :).  

First things first though....I found out yesterday that I definitely can go back to Cincy for Christmas!  I am so excited because I have been unsure up until this point.  I started a new job on Monday at the Union Bank of's a temp to hire job that a temp agency got me, but things are off to a GREAT start!  So, they asked when I was going to be gone for Christmas and I decided the 24th-28th!  yay.  I don't get any paid holidays or time I will have to save up some money, but that's okay.  My amazing family has sent me some money recently and that will go directly to my plane ticket home for Christmas!!  I can't wait :)

Well....other news is one of my roommates is already moving out.  It just didn't work....and so Nikki and I are looking for a new roommate.  We will find one in no time...LA is full of homeless transplants like me!  haha.  

Like I said before, I started a new job this week.  No more MileyWorld.  I will miss working with Becca and the craziness of that job....but I am excited to move on to something more steady and better pay (this city is SO expensive)!  My position is Web Content Coordinator.  Basically, I make changes and update the website  Ok....I am exhausted and really need some sleep.  More to come......

Friday, November 7, 2008

A few pix.....

My co-worker Becca and me at before we went to see Cobra Starship.

Bella at the dog park!

My roommate Nikki and me at the Palladium

Bella and me in my apartment!

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Last night my co-worker Becca and I went to see the band Hinder perform at Jimmy Kimmel Live. He films his show right in Hollywood, literally like 2 miles from my apartment. The tickets for the show are free, and we like the band Hinder, so we went! We didn't get to see the whole show because they played on the outside stage, so we had to watch the show on the "jumbo tron" screen on the stage. It was fun though, and Hinder was amazing. I have seen them live a few times before, and they really rock out. I snuck two pictures on my phone. The show aired last night at midnight...and the whole outdoor stage thing looks way better on TV (of course). I love that behind the sceens stuff...I have got to get back into production....just as long as it's not in news!!!