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A Cincinnati Christmas

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Cincinnati Christmas

Erin and me at her house on Christmas
Julie and me at McDonald's

Jefferson Hall with Anne, Emily, Allison, and Allie.


Mom, Aunt Meg, and Beth

Well, my first week back in LA went by rather quickly. It was nice having New Years Day off, because it's always hard for me to adjust back to work after time off. Who am I kidding? It's always hard for me to adjust to work! I miss having/making my own schedule. While I didn't always love juggling 3 jobs, and the pay was never steady; I did enjoy the times when I would work 3 hours one day and 13 the next.

The weather was pretty nice and warm and sunny all week. Of course, it's now cooler and cloudy, just in time for the weekend! I am determined to stay in today, reading, watching movies, and drinking coffee. Sounds like the perfect Saturday. Tomorrow will be productive, I'll go grocery shopping and do laundry, ok?

I had a great time visiting all my friends and family in Cincinnati. Surprisingly, the weather wasn't too bad there! One day it was actually warmer in Cincy than LA. Imagine that. haha. I enjoyed a nice lunch at Frisch's with Anne and Allie as soon as I got in town. Followed by dinner at LaRosa's with Mom and Jake. I spent a nice Christmas Eve with my dad and Jake. We went to Brio's down at the Levee and you know me and Newport...can't get enough. Then we went back to Dad's to open presents. To my surprise he had gotten me a digital photo f
rame (which I have always wanted but would never ever buy myself) and he had loaded all the pictures from our road trip to LA on it! I love it. It made me very
nostalgic for the road though...I love to travel too much. I need to marry a musician who tours all the time so I can tag along with Bella on the road :). Anyway...I spent Christmas morning at my mom's and she surprised me with many great gifts, along with one to take back to Bella. Christmas afternoon I spent at my Aunt Meg's house with all my mom's family (expect my sister)! I always love Christmas with my mom's family...I always end up laughing pretty hard for one reason or another -- we like to have a good time! Christmas night I went over to Erin's and it was so great to see her. I really miss getting to see all these people on a regular basis! I stayed a little too late at Erin's, but we love to talk! The next day I drove to meet Julie at McDonald's for lunch. I know, it doesn't sound nice, but we used to go to McDonald's all the time together at Miami! Anyway, it was sooo nice to see her, I am glad we were able to squeeze in an afternoon together. Later that night I went out to Bar Louie and JHall with all my Cincy I miss those crazy Newport nights we used to have! Everyone is all over the country now, so I will take my annual Christmas outing. Saturday I got my Skyline fix (well, not really, I crave it pretty much every day) with Dad and Jake! It was yummy. Dammit, I want it right now. Ugh. Then Saturday night I went and saw Marley and Me! I have been waiting to see that movie for months and it definitely didn't disappoint! Later that night I met up with Kate for a drink at Fridays, it was great to see her as well! I wish I could have seen more of everyone, but I definitely enjoyed the time I got! Well, that about sums up my Cincy vaca. It was great, I enjoyed every second of it, and didn't want to come back to LA!

Dad, Jake and me on Christmas Eve

Bar Louie with Emily, Anne, Allie, Julie P, and Allison


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