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Friday, September 26, 2008

My last night in NoHo

Well, tonight is my last night staying in North Hollywood.  Rick comes home from Maine tomorrow, so he will be claiming his apartment back!  I will be staying with my friend Steph from Miami for a few days until I move into my new apartment.  I have really enjoyed every second of my NoHo's definitely a chill place to live.  

I took Bella to the "ranch" tonight where she will be staying for the next week.  The people who will be taking care of her live on a farm about an hour and half north (they came down to pick her up and to drop other dogs off).  She will not only be boarded at the ranch, but they are expert separation anxiety trainers, so they are going to help her (and me) with separation anxiety.  They are allowing me to spend the day at the ranch when I pick her up next Saturday for some training sessions.  I am hoping they will be able to help and Bella will stop hiding under beds and behind couches every time someone is leaving's cute and all, but it's gotta stop!  I am going to miss her so much while she's gone...but I have a busy week to keep me distracted...

MxPx is playing at the House of Blues in West Hollywood on Sunday, so it will be so great to not only see them play, but to see some familiar faces!  I have an interview that I am pretty excited (and nervous) about on Wednesday at wish me luck on that!  Then, depending on how things go, I'll be able to move into my apartment on either Wednesday the 1st, or Friday the 3rd...I am so excited to get into my new place!!  Then, MxPx is back in town on Friday, playing at the House of Blues in Anaheim...which I guess is an hour away?  I will make a trip to see that show for sure.   Then, on Saturday I'll get to go to the ranch and get Bella!!  It should be a good week...and a busy one.  I am not sure how much time I will have to update my blog, but I will try my best to keep up with it!  

I can't believe it's almost's hard to keep up with the days because the weather doesn't really change, so as far as I'm concerned, it's still August.  haha.  Well, I am off to go do a lot of laundry and clean!  What a fun Friday night!!  

Pacific Design Center: Fall Preview 2008!!

The building I am working in is called the Pacific Design Center. There are a bunch of rooms showcasing all things interior design. Last night was the Fall 2008 Preview and there was an open house where a bunch of rich people were walking around, drinking champagne and looking at the collections. Mal and I decided to stay after work and check it out! So, we walked downstairs where we were served champagne while walking in the hallway. We mingled with the rich folks, had an older woman repeatedly ask us where the bar is. I had the BEST cupcake of my entire life from Buttercake Bakery and you can bet I'll be going there soon! We walked around sipping champagne and one of the best martini's ever, made of Pinky Vodka, we looked at some awesome art work and mingled with the rich, fake, plastic looking women (and gay men). It was definitely a random and really fun night that I sure won't forget for a long time!! Here are some pictures of me and my co-worker Mallorie.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inevitable Failure?

Why do certain people expect you to fail?  It's almost as if they are hoping you fail.  Is it insecurity?  jealously?  or just what's expected?  If someone wants you to fail, it's funny how no matter how much you succeed, you're always a failure to them.  I really wish more people could just be happy with themselves and truly happy for someone else.   

When you do something as drastic as I did, such as moving across the country not knowing what will happen when you get to your really realize who your friends are.  It's not that I didn't know before, it just confirms my suspicions.  So, for all of you who are jealous of me, wouldn't your time be better spent focusing on your own dreams?  

It's sad to me that people can come into our lives meaning everything and leave meaning nothing.  It often makes me wonder, what's the point?  Luckily, there are those people who come in meaning the world to me, and I know they will stay forever.  That's worth it right there.  You all know who you are....thanks for being truly happy for me.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery...reach for the sky"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The weekend has come and gone.

I've completely lost track of how long I have been in California...I think it's just now about a month, but it feels like it's been so much longer!  I feel like I have already done so much.  This weekend was pretty low key and today I took Bella to the beach all day.  She sure loves the beach!  We made the drive down to the Huntington Dog Beach, where dogs are "allowed" to run of their leash.  (I guess city law says they can't but you don't get in trouble unless your dog is being agressive).  So, we got there around 10:30am and there were so many surfers in the water it was amazing.  I really have never seen that!  It was pretty cool.  It was pretty mellow u
ntil all the people and LOTS of dogs started to show up as it got later in the morning.  Around noon it was pretty much a free for all.  Bella was running at times with 15 other dogs.  If I had to guess there were at least 200 dogs on this part of the beach.  The dog beach is a mile long, but one part is really rocky, so I'd say we'd walk back and forth a half mile or so.  Bella loves to swim, but she was a little afraid of the waves, it was funny.  She tried to drink the ocean water, but quickly learned that that doesn't taste good!  haha.  So, we spent most of the day at the beach, I got a little too much sun...but it sure felt good!  I am going to try to make the dog beach at least an every other weekend thing, it's like a mini vacation!   Here is a YouTube video of Bella at the beach...I took it on my BlackBerry, so it's not the best quaility.  I think I'll have to buy a video camera soon!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Found an apartment! Well...I didn't really find it....

I went and met Nikki and her friend Marie tonight after they had been apartment hunting ALL day and sure enough, they found the perfect place for us!  

It's a HUGE 2 bedroom apartment at the bottom of the Hollywood Hills...just a few minutes from Sunset.  It's right off Laurel Canyon a GREAT location.  

There are 2 big bedrooms, a big bathroom, big living room and dining room, and a decent sized kitchen.  The best part of it all is the outside "terrace" part.  It's on the second story of a building that is kind of built into a there is an enclosed, outside area that you can hang out in and Bella is going to love it!  

The apartment is right above a dry you can't really even tell if it's office space or an apartment, which makes me feel pretty safe.  Right next door is an organic Italian place...I am going to spend way too much money there!  Well....we get to move in Oct. 3rd, and I can't wait!! 

p.s. Jim Morrison used to live right next door, not too shabby!  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I laughed until I cried!

I am currently working with some of the best story tellers I know.  Not only do these people have good stories, they do a great job telling them.  We took turns sharing stories today and I was laughing so hard I cried...that's the best.  

Today was a really long day.  I met with the temp agency at 8:30 this morning, and that went really well.  I already have an interview lined up!  I didn't get home until after 7, so Bella had more than enough pent up energy to get out!  We went on a long walk while I caught up on my phone conversations.  Pretty exciting.  

I completely re-did my resume today.  I HATE resumes.  I have never been good at them, and I never will be.  I geared it toward online marketing which is something I've been applying for a lot lately kind of by accident, but it seems I am more qualified than I thought.  Who knows where I'll end up....until then it's definitely the "best of both worlds".

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tomorrow morning

I have a meeting tomorrow morning with a temp agency because I applied for a this job on CraigsList and I have to go through a temp agency to get the interview.  I am fine with this because if this job doesn't work out, the agency may be able to find me something else!   The agency has already talked with the company and they want to interview me, so something is being set up for later this week.  I really want this job, and it's something I'd be great at, so say a prayer I do well in the interview!  More details on the job to come...but I like to keep my mouth shut until things work out :)

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today was exhausting!  I am still working on the never ending apartment search.  I did find a few good people who are possible roommates, so now we are all kind of looking for a place something will work out!  Work was non-stop crazy after all the stuff built up over the weekend.  I got through most of the work, but there is a little left for tomorrow :).  I have another job interview lined up that I am pretty excited about.  More details when they come in on that one ;)  Until then...I am determined to find the perfect dog friendly apartment with the perfect roomies, and I have a feeling good things are going to happen!  

I feel soo bad for all my Cincy friends and family who are without power.  My poor mom had to work all day with no power!  Friends had to go to work with wet hair...and my brother got a "power outage day" and had today and has tomorrow off school.  At least it's not the middle of summer or the middle of winter when no power could mean overheating/freezing to death!   My mom said Cincinnati had hurricane winds over 80mph!  Crazy, scary stuff!  I hope everyone is okay!  

Time to watch some TV and relax...hopefully tomorrow will be less stressful!  Leave some comments!  Cheers!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bella visits the beach!

I took Bella to the beach today!  For the first time ever she dipped her paws in the Pacific!  She loved it, it was adorable.  There are only a few dog friendly beaches in this city which makes me sad because dogs love the beach!  Well, I made the hour drive down to Huntington Beach where dogs are allowed and it was worth every second of the drive!  It's such a great beach and it was basically like a dog park on the many dogs, it was great!  I didn't have a whole lot of time, so we could only stay for about an hour, but next weekend we are definitely going to spend a whole day there!  Being able to spend time on the beach with my dog is pretty much the best time ever :)  By the way...the pic is the back of Bella's head because it was so sunny I couldn't see what I was taking a picture looks cloudy though, that's a phone camera for ya!  

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Apartment hunting...

I am going to go look at a room to rent at 3pm today.  It's in an apartment where a 24 year old guy and his dog live.  I am definitely trying to find a place where this is already a dog, that will make things much easier on Bella and me!  I hope I like it! 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today I saw...

I saw my first Kentucky license plate today!  yay!  I was driving home form work on Santa Monica in West Hollywood and there it was in all it's glory...   A Grant County car right out of Kentucky.  It was an older Honda and it was dirty, just like my car.  It was good to  know I am not the only crazy one driving around here with Kentucky license plates.  I have yet to see a car with Ohio plates...but I see plenty of Michigan.  They KY driver was a  good looking guy too, believe it or not...too bad the traffic broke up and I lost him....haha.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting settled.....

Before you start following my blog...please note that I never promised this would be entertaining, interesting, crazy or will just be a bunch of my random thoughts and stories for everyone to read who wants to keep up with my LA life.

Tonight when I got home from work I took Bella out on her night walk and I realized that everyone who walks a dog in this town asks "is she friendly"? then confirms that their dog(s) is friendly before they allow the dogs to interact (aka...sniff each others butts). It's funny because I am not used to that...but people seem really concerned about the friendliness of dogs here. Maybe Ceaser Milan lives nearby?? Bella is doing really makes me sad in a way because I think she is outgrowing her puppy crazy days...sometime's she just too tired to play! So, Aunt Meg...don't worry, your puppy will settle down eventually!

Well, In N Out Burger is my new favorite place! They make a "grilled cheese" sandwich which is a burger with no meat. That's right....bun, cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion. HEAVEN!!! You know me and meat-I am not a fan, so this is the perfect fast food! Their fries are great too...not too greasy.

Well, I am off to apply for some more jobs! I have a temporary job working for the Miley Cyrus fanclub's pretty fun...but I need something a little more challenging. Wish me luck!! Keep in touch...

I'm off for now....

Paparazzi story

So...I was at a BBQ at my boss' house on Marmont Ave on Sunday. After the MTV, VMAs there was a party at Chateau Marmont and there were tons of paparazzi there to take pictures of all the famous people who were partying after the awards show. I was driving by and got stopped for a minute because it's a narrow street and there were people walking everywhere. A paparazzi to my left took my picture of me driving. So, I look to my right to see if there was a celeb near my car....all I saw were teenage girls. So, I look back to the photog and he looks at the digital image of my picture, refocuses...and takes another! I died laughing...what was he thinking? You all can look for me in the back of people magazine...I'll have a black strip over my eyes and it will say "what not to drive" next to my picture. I was driving my Corolla with Kentucky license plates! haha...not to mention my car hasn't been washed since before the 4th of July...I should do that :)


Hey everyone! So, I thought I'd set up this blog so you can keep up with my life out in Cali. So far, so good. I am working full time at a job in West Hollywood. I am looking for an apartment...or a room to rent, somewhere, anywhere. haha. I am house-sitting until the end of the month so, I need a place soon! Bella is loving it here...the hot weather makes her so tired, it's great! More to come....