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Thursday, October 9, 2008

go away ants

We have little tiny ants in our apartment and I want them gone! We finally got them out of the kitchen, and this morning, I saw them in the bathroom. grrrrr.
Other than the ants, I love my new place.
Bella is having a hard time getting used to it, the poor thing has been in and out of so many places the last few weeks! I hope she gets used to it soon.

I can't wait until I get my next paycheck so I can buy my bedroom furniture! I am going to get it all from Ikea, because that's all I can afford, and it's good stuff. I will probably go next week or next weekend for sure, and I can't wait to have a bed to sleep in!

There is a cute little Italian Restaurant in front of our building and it's gives off a very European atmosphere at night. There is something comforting about hearing chatter, music, and dishes clanging. I am not joking, there is something peaceful about it.
There is also a little (expensive) market, which is nice if we need to get anything last minute or if we forget something at the store. The best part is the coffee shop that's outside the market! It's good to know a latte is only a few steps away! I am going to try to reserve the coffee shop spending for the weekend!
Well, there's the apartment update for you! I am still waiting to hear from a job interview that I had on Monday. It went well, but I hate waiting around to hear about stuff like that!
Here are some pictures of my apartment that I took on my BlackBerry. Once I have a computer, I will be able to take pictures on my regular camera and upload them, so there will be much better quality pictures and a whole lot more of them! I will have to get a pic with my new roommates too...Nikki and Marie and Marie's Yorkie CoCo :) Until then, here is one of the kitchen, the living room and breakfast room, and my room....hahhah


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