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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My life in a few short paragraphs!

Well, the previous post I posted turned out to be a joke....or maybe more of a misunderstanding? My roomies and I were lead to believe that there was a huge block party/concert. It turned out to be a band playing for about and hour and everyone in Laurel Canyon posing for a big picture in front of the market. It was a total joke, we definitely misunderstood. was kinda funny how it turned out, and all 3 of us totally missed the whole thing.

Last night I had a very encouraging dinner meeting with someone I met when I moved out here. She is 5 years older than me and started her business when she was my age, and has become quite the success. She told me a lot of things about starting a business in the music industry that I hadn't really thought about before. I am going to keep in touch with her and maybe "intern" for her a little bit while she "mentors" me. If nothing else, she's someone I definitely can look up to and I think we have a lot in common. I'd really love to be where she is in 5 years though, seriously. More to come about that...

On to Bella. Bella has had some issues that really escalated with being moved around so much. Everyday we are making good progress dealing with her "separation anxiety". I'm talking about a dog that hides behind couches and under beds when someone is going to leave her...and then paces and barks until you come back. Everyday she gets a little better, yesterday my roommate didn't even know Bella was in the apartment for 4 hours (that's a good sign). I am working on a more long term training solution for her that will probably take 6 weeks before I see full results. Luckily, I think she's worth it ;)

I'm excited for a few good concerts that are coming up this weekend and next week...Cobra Starship with Hit the Lights is tomorrow. I am seeing The Alkaline Trio, Rise Against and Thrice on Friday (all 3 bands that I LOVE). Next week my friend Becca's friend is opening up for Danzig (Misfits)....sooo excited for that show too! These are gonna be some great shows. I can't wait!

Well, that's the update for now. I am still working at MileyWorld and always looking for the next big thing. I just found out my dad is coming out for a weekend in December for a training seminar, so that will be fun. I plan on making it to Cincinnati for Christmas, at least for a few days to see all the important people (you know who you are)! Chances are, if you care enough to read all this crap, you are important. haha. Stay tuned....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Laurel Canyon Concert

This Sunday the Laurel Canyon Market (which is next to my apartment) has it's annual concert/party something or other. I am not sure how crazy it's going to be, but there are pictures hanging in the market from previous years, and there is definitely going to be a ton of people. From what I have heard, they put up a stage RIGHT in front of my place, and close down the street. The bands start playing at 2pm and there are people there all day. I have to admit, it sounds pretty exciting and I can't wait to see what all the talk is about! I hope the bands are good...Laurel Canyon has been home to a few quality musicians/bands of the past...Joni Mitchell, the Byrds, the Mamas and the Papas, Frank Zappa, Crosby Stills and Nash, The Eagles, and of course, my former neighbor, Jim Morrison. Well, I plan on taking a lot of pictures and who knows...maybe the next up and coming band will be performing??

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bella smiles for the paparazzi :)

Bella is famous. Well, not really, not yet at least. I spent most of my Saturday evening putting together my new Ikea furniture and when I went to take Bella outside around 8pm I was greeted by nearly 15 paparazzi just hanging out outside my apartment! Of course, I was all gross from working on furniture all day, but they had to take my picture anyway! So Bella go her first photograph by the paparazzi. I guess I can't even walk my dog anymore without having to look cute!

Here's the story....

Zac Efron (High School Musical) turned 21 on Saturday and had his birthday party at Pace, the restaurant in front of my apartment. I guess there were many famous youngsters there including, Vanessa Hudgens, HSM3 costars Monique Coleman and Ashley Tisdale, her boyfriend Jared Murillo and pals Michelle Trachtenberg, Amanda Bynes, Brittany Snow and singing sisters Aly and AJ Michalka. I only know who about half of those people are. Here's a link to the People Magazine article. Here are some pictures, if you are interested in those.

I have to say...this town is pretty fun!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Things are coming together!

Well, things at my apartment are starting to come together nicely! I hope to have my room done by the end of the weekend. I don't know if it will painted, but all the furniture will be in place!
I bought a bed spread at Target last night that I am so excited about. It's definitely my style and I bought lime green sheets to go with it. I am getting up early tomorrow to go to Ikea to get a bed, mattress and dresser...maybe a few lamps and a nightstand or something.
I plan on painting the walls green and could use any help on shade suggestions! My room doesn't get much natural light, so I don't want something too dark, but I don't want my room to glow either! haha.
It turns out my taste is similar to Miley's...haha. She has a chandelier themed dressing room and my bed spread would go great in it! I found a cool wall decal on Urban Outfitters website that I am going to mount on something and either frame it or just hang it on the wall. (my walls are textured and it wouldn't go on the wall smooth, so I'll make it art). I went to show my co-worker Becca my great find and it turns out the decal I found is very similar to the one Miley used to do her dressing room. I swear I am not trying to be Hannah Montana, but I guess the Miley World job is rubbing off on me. haha. Well, I cannot wait until I have a bedroom all organized and pretty! While the air mattress and clothes all over the floor sure has been fun, I'm over it. I will take pictures once my room is together and definitely post them for you all to see!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

go away ants

We have little tiny ants in our apartment and I want them gone! We finally got them out of the kitchen, and this morning, I saw them in the bathroom. grrrrr.
Other than the ants, I love my new place.
Bella is having a hard time getting used to it, the poor thing has been in and out of so many places the last few weeks! I hope she gets used to it soon.

I can't wait until I get my next paycheck so I can buy my bedroom furniture! I am going to get it all from Ikea, because that's all I can afford, and it's good stuff. I will probably go next week or next weekend for sure, and I can't wait to have a bed to sleep in!

There is a cute little Italian Restaurant in front of our building and it's gives off a very European atmosphere at night. There is something comforting about hearing chatter, music, and dishes clanging. I am not joking, there is something peaceful about it.
There is also a little (expensive) market, which is nice if we need to get anything last minute or if we forget something at the store. The best part is the coffee shop that's outside the market! It's good to know a latte is only a few steps away! I am going to try to reserve the coffee shop spending for the weekend!
Well, there's the apartment update for you! I am still waiting to hear from a job interview that I had on Monday. It went well, but I hate waiting around to hear about stuff like that!
Here are some pictures of my apartment that I took on my BlackBerry. Once I have a computer, I will be able to take pictures on my regular camera and upload them, so there will be much better quality pictures and a whole lot more of them! I will have to get a pic with my new roommates too...Nikki and Marie and Marie's Yorkie CoCo :) Until then, here is one of the kitchen, the living room and breakfast room, and my room....hahhah

Friday, October 3, 2008


Good news...I am offically now moved into my apartment! Now I just have to make an Ikea Trip to get some furniture. My apartment is really cute and it's coming together nicely thanks to one of my new roomies who pretty much furnished the entire place!

I had a second interview for a PR job today and it went really well. I hope to hear from them next week. I have a second interview for another job on hopefully I will get an offer from one of those to jobs. I want one a lot more than the other...but I won't put that out on the internet until I hear either way from one or the other (they might actually read this)!

I am making a long drive up to Tehachapi tomorrow to get Bella. It's nearly 2 hours north, but they say she is doing much better with separation anxiety, so I can't wait to see. I am going to take her (if she's not too tired from playing with other dogs all week) to Runyon Canyon on Sunday. They allow dogs to run off leash there, and that's pretty much Bella's favorite thing to do! She'll love it.

As for tonight, I am going to run to Target after work to pick up a few things and some food for my new place. Then I am probably spending the night unpacking and putting things in my closet, since that's the only place I have to store things, so far. I am definitely looking forward to the day when I have my room put together, and I finally feel settled...I have a feeling it will be here before I know it :) I'll have to take some pictures of my apartment for you guys and put them up here so you can picture it better.

well, that's pretty much the play-by-play of my life for right now...I don't have a computer (or internet) yet, so I try to update this next week sometime! Have a great weekend, cheers!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A quick update!

I have had a busy week staying with my friend Steph in West Hollywood! It's been a lot of fun hanging out with her and her friends, and I'm excited that I will be living close to her!

My new apartment is available today, so I will probably head over there after work and start to unload my car. I CANNOT wait until my car is clean again, I am going insane!

I had a good interview yesterday and I have a second interview tomorrow for a job I interviewed for last week, so say a prayer that one of those works out! I'll let you know as soon as I know!

I better get back to work, I desperately need some coffee! I think I will go get some....