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My life in a few short paragraphs!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My life in a few short paragraphs!

Well, the previous post I posted turned out to be a joke....or maybe more of a misunderstanding? My roomies and I were lead to believe that there was a huge block party/concert. It turned out to be a band playing for about and hour and everyone in Laurel Canyon posing for a big picture in front of the market. It was a total joke, we definitely misunderstood. was kinda funny how it turned out, and all 3 of us totally missed the whole thing.

Last night I had a very encouraging dinner meeting with someone I met when I moved out here. She is 5 years older than me and started her business when she was my age, and has become quite the success. She told me a lot of things about starting a business in the music industry that I hadn't really thought about before. I am going to keep in touch with her and maybe "intern" for her a little bit while she "mentors" me. If nothing else, she's someone I definitely can look up to and I think we have a lot in common. I'd really love to be where she is in 5 years though, seriously. More to come about that...

On to Bella. Bella has had some issues that really escalated with being moved around so much. Everyday we are making good progress dealing with her "separation anxiety". I'm talking about a dog that hides behind couches and under beds when someone is going to leave her...and then paces and barks until you come back. Everyday she gets a little better, yesterday my roommate didn't even know Bella was in the apartment for 4 hours (that's a good sign). I am working on a more long term training solution for her that will probably take 6 weeks before I see full results. Luckily, I think she's worth it ;)

I'm excited for a few good concerts that are coming up this weekend and next week...Cobra Starship with Hit the Lights is tomorrow. I am seeing The Alkaline Trio, Rise Against and Thrice on Friday (all 3 bands that I LOVE). Next week my friend Becca's friend is opening up for Danzig (Misfits)....sooo excited for that show too! These are gonna be some great shows. I can't wait!

Well, that's the update for now. I am still working at MileyWorld and always looking for the next big thing. I just found out my dad is coming out for a weekend in December for a training seminar, so that will be fun. I plan on making it to Cincinnati for Christmas, at least for a few days to see all the important people (you know who you are)! Chances are, if you care enough to read all this crap, you are important. haha. Stay tuned....


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