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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back in Business!

Here is a picture of me as I am writing this blog...I actually have my glasses on, but they kept reflecting in the picture, so I had to take them off...haha. I dyed my hair dark brown...sorry Mom. At least I didn't get another tattoo? Not yet at least...

Anyway, as many of you know, I left my college computer in Ohio. It was a good six years old and running slower than ever, and it was just way to big to move. So, I have been without a computer since I moved into my apartment a few months ago. I have been able to keep up with things at work, but I am really not supposed to do personal work while on the clock! So, I finally went and bought a computer! Best Buy has 18 months same as cash financing right now-so while I really wish I had saved up cash for my computer, it was just taking too I plan on paying it off in the next 3 to 6 months. Life without a computer is pretty much impossible for me. I need to keep job hunting and it's just too time consuming to do without a computer at home! So, I am back in can bet I will blogging all the time now!

I spent Thanksgiving with my roommate Nikki. We volunteered for the Cheesecake Factory (one of the places Nikki works) in the morning serving Thanksgiving dinner at a halfway house. Then, Nikki and I came home to make dinner for her dad. It was a nice and relaxing day and I definitely ate way too much!

The day after Thanksgiving, on my way home from work I got in a minor car accident. I got rear ended and the whole back of my car is pretty messed up! The girl who hit me was driving her mom's car and ended up filing the claim under the wrong insurance company (her's, not her mom's). The claim was finally filed correctly on Tuesday of this week and it's been a mess for me trying to get the answers I need. I need to get a rental car before I can just drop my car off somewhere, and I also think I need to see a doctor because I might have a mild concussion! I have had horrible headaches, and the back of my head is definitely bruised! I was pretty dizzy on Thursday at work and I've had some blurred vision. Luckily everything I've read and all the things my family and friends have told me sound like it will heal on it's own! So hopefully my head will be all better soon and I can be my normal goofy self again :)

Well, I am sure I have many more stories to come...but for now, I am off to learn about my new computer! My head hurts pretty bad, so I am sure I'll call it a night soon anyway. Peace, punch, captain crunch.


At December 7, 2008 at 12:32 AM , Blogger LossAngeles said...

>>We volunteered for the Cheesecake Factory (one of the places Nikki works) in the morning serving Thanksgiving dinner at a halfway house.

Dang how nice is that !! And some peeps say Gemini's are 'shallow' lol ; what do they know !


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